Why us for you wedding?

We are  two hard working, carring and award winning Dutch Photographers.
When you hire us for your day you are well taking care of and in reliable hands

You can hire us separatly or together.

With 1 photographer you will receive:

–      A relaxed atmosphere and lots of fun

–      Fast Delivery

With 2 photographers you will receive

–      1 photographer with the groom and the other with the bride in the morning without the possiblility of missing moments

–       A double dose of creativity

–      The same point from a different angle / perspective

–      Extra set of eyes who can spot pretty moments

–      Two photographers can take more risks to make more artistic pictures.

–     The second photographer is a natural backup photographer in case of an emergency with the first photographer

–      During the photoshoot of you together we get faster spontaneous pictures because one of us makes the photos from a different perspective. This gives the pictures a journalistic character in a short time and we can quickly move on to a different location.

–     prox. 25 Additional images per hour extra

–      Additional moments normally 1 photographer cannot shoot for example pictures from a moving car, key moments from 2 sides, or for example a grandmother who tears up during the vows.



Here are a view examples of pictures with 2 photographers , but from another point of view or diffrent angle.
Left the pictures the 1st photographer usually takes and right the pictures the second photographer can possibly make at the same time
Why Us