Rose Bakker | The Dutch PhotographersPhotographer Rose Bakker. I got to know her as a super creative, smart, independent, spontaneous girl.
From the day we met I was instantly crazy about her.

With her experience and enthusiasm we were soon engaged in all kinds of fun projects and ideas that together we could bring to life.


She can be a business woman, a real fighter. She knows how to work well.

Quality’s within the wedding photography that are very important. Every wedding has its hectic moments and there is a lot of pressure on our shoulders. We complement each other in these situations, always perfectly. I can build upon her.


What I perhaps appreciate most about her is the passion she has for making her own music. If she didn’t become a photographer then she might as well be a musician. Music composing is one of her biggest hobbies.

In our house we have three different keyboards on which she makes music for wedding couples. Curious about her music? All our slideshows features her piano playing.